The Project

Thessaloniki Social Atlas aims to collect, present, and disseminate topics concerning the changing urban geographies of Thessaloniki with an emphasis on the city’s recent transformations in historical traits. This is a dynamic and accessible free online platform with texts, maps, and urban data that contribute to a critical understanding, a systematic organisation, and the presentation of evidence-based material for Thessaloniki. It shares scientific knowledge with the wider public towards the dissemination and democratisation of knowledge while, at the same time, informing the academic community and policy-makers.


Being a Mediterranean port city and a major urban centre in Southeastern Europe, Thessaloniki presents interesting specificities: the continuum of habitation over many centuries, history and cultural heritage, the geopolitical strategic location as a constant crossroads in the Balkans, the proximity to the sea, but also along its current social, spatial, and environmental transformations in a globalised context. Nonetheless, many of the city’s recent and ongoing transformations remain unmapped, poorly discussed, or with limited outreach.


By emphasising space in multiple geographic scales, from the neighbourhood level to the wider urban complex, the Atlas welcomes contributions from urban studies, architecture and spatial planning, geography, sociology and anthropology, environment, history, and economic and political sciences.


Thessaloniki Social Atlas is essentially based on its authors, younger and more experienced researchers who freely share their work from various scientific fields. The contributions serve as articles of a dynamic, pluralistic, and openly accessible digital publication, which welcomes multiple approaches and methodologies under the scientific responsibility of the editorial board.


The articles are classified in one or more of the 10 thematic categories:

  • People – Socio-spatial Formation
  • History – Heritage
  • Arts – Urban Cultures
  • Economy – Production
  • Ecology – Environment
  • Housing – Built Environment
  • Public Space – Civil Society
  • Planning – Infrastructures – Development
  • Neighbourhoods
  • Thessaloniki in the world


The bilingual edition in Greek and English language enriches the domestic discussion while opening up perspectives of comparative analysis and transnational communication.


The users can navigate for free in the various thematic categories, use search tools, read the articles online, or save them.


The Atlas content is subject to the terms and conditions of the  “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)”