Heinrich Böll Foundation in Greece
The Heinrich Böll Foundation’s office in Greece has been operating in Thessaloniki since June 2012. Through a wide range of activities –educational programmes, studies, research, conferences and debates, publications, support to civil society organisations– it attempts to demonstrate alternatives and highlight policies that lead to the transformation of the Greek economy and society towards a model of ecological development, gender democracy and intercultural inclusion. The fields in which it is active are the following: Ecology, Democracy, Social Solidarity Economy (SSE), Migration, Foreign and Security Policy.
The Foundation’s support made it possible to cover the costs for the editing of the maps and visual material, the creation of the logo and the website, the organisation of workshops and communication and dissemination activities, the language editing, and the translation for the English version. On behalf of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki – Greece:
- Michalis Goudis, Director
- Vivian Kounio, Coordinator of the Democracy Programme
- Giorgos Melissourgos, Coordinator of the Social Solidarity Economy Programme
- Vasilis Pangalos, Communications Officer